SHSM Programs

Information and Communications Tech.

The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) gives students an opportunity to specialize, gain qualifications, and plan a career pathway in various areas of the Information and Communications Technology sectors while still in high school. The SHSM Program has a number of required components, designed to give students a “leg-up” to pursue post-secondary opportunities in each of the identified sectors, valuing apprenticeship, college, community, university and the workplace.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is increasingly becoming an essential part of many industries. There are requirements to save time and increase efficiency, advance technology and innovation, for electronic access to finances or online shopping, creativity, marketing, and communications. ICT includes both the hardware and information technology skills, as well as the creative, communications and graphic arts expertise.


Experience a 3D tour of a Comm. Tech classroom.

Experience a 3D tour of a Computer Engineering classroom.

HDSB Schools offering this sector

Program Name School Brochure
Communications Technology Abbey Park High School
Communications Technology Acton District School
Information Technology Craig Kielburger Secondary School
Music & Audio Production Technologies Milton District High School
Information and Communications Technology Oakville Trafalgar High School
Information Technology T.A. Blakelock High School

HCDSB Schools offering this sector

Program Name School Brochure
Media, Computer Science, Engineering Assumption Catholic Secondary School
Media Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary School
Engineering Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary School
Media, Computer Science, Engineering Christ the King Catholic Secondary School
Computer Science, Engineering Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School
Computer Science, Engineering St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School
Media St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary School
Media, Computer Science, Engineering St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Secondary
Media, Computer Science, Engineering St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School