White Oaks Secondary School

1330 Montclair Dr | Oakville ON L6H 1Z5 | 905-845-5200
Sector Program Name Contact
Arts & Culture Music, Visual Arts and Drama (SHSM) Heather Wilford   wilfordh@hdsb.ca
Leah Bice   bicel@hdsb.ca
Business Business (SHSM) Christine Ivey   iveyc@hdbs.ca
Health and Wellness Sport and Health Community Leadership (SHSM) Jenn Pratt   prattj@hdsb.ca
Steve Shortly   shortlys@hdsb.ca
Horticulture and Landscaping Horticulture and Landscaping (SHSM) Conor Morris   morrisc@hdsb.ca
Transportation (Motive Power) Motorcycles, Small Engines, Marine and Automotive (OYAP) Kevin Worster   worsterk@hdsb.ca
Transportation (SHSM) Transportation (SHSM) Kevin Worster   worsterk@hdsb.ca